Some updates
Sex is cancelled, and the big story is finally out.

Here are a few updates for you folks kind enough to subscribe to my newsletter:
Retraction Watch has just published a guest post by me on the cancelling of sex by two anthropology presidents. Read it here.
After months of challenging research, I was finally able to put together the real story of why so many top-level employees have quit the City of East Lansing. If you're curious about what I found, you can read that here.
That’s the largest single report I’ve brought for the people of East Lansing both in terms of length and amount of research that went into it. It’s a bit of a swan song, as I’m now pulling back from ELi (the news operation I founded) to work much more intensely on the book I’m penning about what doing local news teaches one about human nature.
For that book, I’ve been on the road interviewing other people rescuing local news. I’ve not road-tripped for a book project since Galileo’s Middle Finger (unless you count traveling to fact-check my murder mystery series) and I forgot how exhilarating that kind of work can be. Last week, I spent time with the core teams of Cardinal News (southwestern Virginia) and DC Witness. Coming up next in that project: a trip to Massachusetts.
I’ve been offering folks who sign up for this newsletter at the paid annual rate ($60) a signed copy of either Galileo’s Middle Finger or The Index Case (published under my penname, Molly Macallen). If you’re already signed up at the annual rate and would like one of these books signed and sent to you, just drop me a note and I’ll be in touch.